#chapter 4
The Bennet ladies were startled from their morning reading in the parlor by an eager knock. Moments later, their servants ushered in Mrs. Lucas and Charlotte, both bearing delighted smiles.
“Jane, Lizzy! How good it is to see you again so soon,” exclaimed Charlotte, embracing her friends.
Mrs. Lucas nodded graciously to Mrs. Bennet. “Thank you for receiving us, I hope we are not intruding.”
“Not at all! Do make yourselves comfortable.” Mrs. Bennet gestured hospitably to the settee as the servants brought additional tea cups and a fresh pot.
“Oh, we simply must hear your impressions of the Netherfield party!” gushed Mrs. Bennet, leaning forward eagerly. “The evening was such a success, was it not?”
“Indeed, they seem a lively group,” replied Mrs. Lucas. “And quite elegant and worldly compared to our usual attendees. What did you think of them, Charlotte?”
“I found Mr. Bingley to be very amiable and charming,” answered Charlotte. “He was all ease and friendliness with everyone he met.”
“Yes, and quite handsome too!” added Kitty with a giggle.
“And such an excellent dancer,” chimed in Lydia. “I should like to dance with him sometime.”
Jane blushed prettily but said nothing, though a small smile played at her lips.
“Ah, I knew you girls would find him pleasing,” said Mrs. Bennet triumphantly. “Did you notice how particularly attentive he was to our dear Jane? Mark my words, their wedding shall be the event of the season!”
“Mama!” admonished Jane gently, her blush deepening.
“Oh yes, and that Mr. Wickham was quite dashing looking in his uniform,” added Kitty with a giggle.
“And so charming!” chimed in Lydia. “I do hope we see more of him around town.”
Elizabeth shook her head in puzzlement. “I must confess, I was surprised by Mr. Darcy’s coldness toward Mr. Wickham last night. He seemed perfectly amiable when Charlotte and I spoke with him.”
“Oh yes, his tale of heroism at the Red Lion spread all through town yesterday,” remarked Charlotte. “He was very lively and agreeable in company.”
Mrs. Bennet nodded approvingly. “Indeed, that Mr. Wickham seemed a much more pleasant fellow than the proud Mr. Darcy!”
“Oh yes, he barely danced or conversed with anyone,” agreed Charlotte. “Though I suppose some may find his brooding manner mysterious and romantic.”
“Romantic? Pah!” scoffed Mrs. Bennet. “The man acted as though he was above us all. Mark my words, he is far too proud and disagreeable to make a pleasant match for any Bennet daughter.”
Elizabeth had to agree with her mother’s assessment of the prideful Mr. Darcy. She was about to say as much when Mary interjected in her pedantic way, “One should not judge by appearances alone. Perhaps he was merely shy in unfamiliar company.”
Kitty and Lydia giggled at the notion of the imposing Mr. Darcy being shy. But gentle Jane, ever inclined to think the best of people, added, “Yes, we really know so little of his true character at this point.”
Wanting to steer the conversation to merrier matters, Mrs. Lucas said, “Well, I am having a small dinner party and would be delighted if your family would join us. It shall give us all a chance to further get to know our newcomers in a more intimate setting.”
Mrs. Bennet’s eyes lit up. “A dinner party! What a marvelous idea. We would be honored to attend, wouldn’t we, Mr. Bennet?”
“Of course, my dear,” Mr. Bennet replied dryly from his corner. “I look forward to seeing if Mr. Darcy can manage more than two words together in such close quarters.” His eyes twinkled teasingly.
As Mrs. Lucas and her daughter made their farewells shortly after, Elizabeth walked Charlotte out. Once they were alone, Charlotte remarked in a hushed voice, “The most peculiar thing happened at our estate last night.”
“Oh?” said Elizabeth curiously.
“Yes, late in the evening we all distinctly heard a horrible wailing coming from the back gardens, yet when my father went to investigate, nothing was there.” Charlotte’s eyes were wide. “What do you make of that?”
“How strange!” exclaimed Elizabeth. “We had an odd occurrence this morning ourselves.” She went on to describe the unexplained falling painting.
Charlotte shook her head in wonderment. “First Netherfield, now Longbourn and Lucas Lodge. It seems something uncanny is afoot in the neighborhood.”
“So it would seem,” mused Elizabeth thoughtfully. “Though I still suspect mundane explanations for these unusual happenings. But I confess, you have me intrigued.”
The two friends parted ways with a promise to share any further curious news. Elizabeth returned thoughtfully to the house, her skepticism toward the supernatural tales wavering.
That evening, as the Bennet sisters prepared for bed, Kitty and Lydia continued to chatter and giggle over the prospect of dancing with the dashing Mr. Bingley again.
“Do you suppose he will ask you to dance at the Lucas’s dinner party?” Kitty asked Jane eagerly.
“Oh, I hardly know,” demurred Jane. “We have only just met the gentlemen. We must not assume too much yet.”
“Jane is right,” said Elizabeth. “My advice is to give the Netherfield party a chance to properly acquaint themselves with our society before passing judgment. Who knows, they may surprise us.”
Privately though, Elizabeth had to admit she was not overly optimistic about the aloof Mr. Darcy warming to their rural environs and company.
As the candles were blown out and all settled in to sleep, the conversation turned to whispers about the odd happenings around the neighborhood. Though Elizabeth continued to maintain a rational perspective, she felt a lingering disquiet as the wind moaned outside.
The next morning at Netherfield Park, breakfast was a subdued affair. Mr. Darcy sat quietly cradling his aching head, the sunlight from the windows exacerbating his discomfort.
“Poor Mr. Darcy,” fussed Caroline Bingley. “You still look dreadfully pale. That spill from your horse must have been serious indeed.”
Darcy attempted a polite smile, though it came out more as a pained grimace. “I shall be quite alright after more rest, I assure you.”
“Well, you must take things easy today,” Caroline went on. “Why don’t you relax in the parlor while I read aloud to you? Some poetry may be just the thing to soothe your nerves.”
Privately, Mr. Darcy thought Caroline’s excessive chatter was more likely to aggravate his headache than soothe it. But he merely nodded graciously.
Just then, a shriek pierced the air, causing Darcy to wince and Caroline to gasp loudly. “Heavens, what was that?” she cried.
The group was startled by the faint sound of shouting outside. Hurrying to the windows, they peered out to see the gardener below waving his arms in agitation.
Mr. Bingley quickly unlatched and cracked open the window. “Hello there! Whatever seems to be the trouble?” he called down.
The gardener looked up, face white with alarm. “Oh sirs! You must come at once, it’s dreadful, shocking I tell you!” he cried breathlessly.
“My word man, what has happened?” asked Mr. Bingley with concern.
“O-over there sir, by the old well,” the gardener stammered, pointing a quivering finger. “I swear I saw a ghostly figure hovering over the stones! Ghastly pale and wavering, it was. Then it vanished before my eyes!”
“Preposterous,” scoffed Mr. Hurst. “You must have imagined it.”
But Caroline clung to her brother’s arm, eyes wide. “A ghost! I knew this estate was haunted. Oh, we shall be murdered in our beds!”
“Come now, let us not indulge wild fancies,” said Mr. Bingley gently. “I am sure there is some logical explanation.”
Privately however, he exchanged a worried glance with Mr. Darcy. After his friend’s recent mishap, they could not dismiss the unusual occurrences so easily.
Mr. Darcy stood silent, gazing pensively towards the old well. Its dark depths seemed to stare back ominously. For all his rationality, he felt a chill down his spine. Perhaps they had underestimated the legacy of this estate.
As the Netherfield party debated what to do about their ghostly troubles, a servant entered bearing an invitation.
“It is addressed to you, Mr. Bingley, from Sir William Lucas,” he informed.
Eager for diversion, Mr. Bingley opened it to read aloud:
“My dear sir,
My family and I cordially invite you and your estimable party to join us for a dinner evening three days hence. It will be an informal, intimate affair where we may become better acquainted. Please say you will attend and bring your friends, for we are all most eager to enjoy your company once more.
Yours sincerely,
Sir William Lucas”
“A dinner, how charming,” said Caroline dryly, barely concealing her disdain.
“Quite,” said Louisa absently, glancing up from her book with a bored expression. “Though I suppose some society is better than none in this dull countryside.” She gave an affected sigh before returning to her reading.
Mr. Bingley glanced uncertainly at Mr. Darcy. “What do you think, Darcy? Are you feeling up for a social evening?”
Mr. Darcy considered. Though still recovering, he reasoned a night spent away from Netherfield’s troubled walls could only improve his health and spirits.
“I think a change of scenery would do us all good,” he pronounced. “Let us accept the gracious invitation.”
Mr. Bingley smiled, relieved. “Capital idea! I shall pen a reply at once.”
As he moved towards his desk, Caroline fluttered after him eagerly. “We must take pains with our attire and conversation. I should hate for us to appear as provincials to our hosts.”
Privately, Darcy thought there was little chance of that given the obvious sophistication of their party compared to the country families they had met thus far.
The day of the Lucas’s dinner party arrived, and the Bennet sisters chattered excitedly as they dressed.
Arriving at Lucas Lodge, they were warmly greeted and ushered into the drawing room.
Linking her arm through Charlotte’s, Elizabeth smiled warmly at her friend. “It’s so good to see you again!” she said.
Charlotte smiled back at Elizabeth. “I’ve missed our talks so much! I’m thrilled you could join us tonight,” she said sincerely.
Elizabeth laughed. “As am I! This gathering is lovely so far, and the chrysanthemum and asters are breathtaking.”
Charlotte nodded in agreement just as the sound of new arrivals drew their attention. Elizabeth saw the Netherfield party being welcomed.
Mr. Bingley immediately approached Jane. “Miss Bennet! How delightful to see you this evening,” he said warmly. “Might I say, you are looking as lovely as ever.”
Jane blushed at the attention. Elizabeth gave a small, satisfied smile upon seeing this interaction.
Charlotte leaned in and whispered, “It seems Mr. Bingley only has eyes for your sister tonight.”
Elizabeth whispered back, “So it would appear!”
Miss Bingley, conversely, wore a poorly veiled look of boredom as she glanced disdainfully around the room. Elizabeth had to resist the urge to laugh at the stark contrast between the siblings’ demeanors.
Mr. Hurst and Mr. Darcy lingered back, neither looking fully engaged. But she was pleased to see that Mr. Darcy’s usual haughty expression seemed marginally softened this evening.
Throughout the first course, conversation centered mostly around the excellent cuisine and the delight of their hosts at having so many new acquaintances in the neighborhood. As dessert was being served, talk turned to local happenings.
“It seems we have had some unusual occurrences as of late,” remarked Lady Lucas. “I do not wish to indulge idle gossip, however I confess some incidents at our own estate have left me quite puzzled.”
“Indeed!” exclaimed Mrs. Bennet eagerly. “Please, you must tell us what transpired.”
Mr. Bennet gave his wife a bemused look, which she pointedly ignored. Turning back to Lady Lucas, Mrs. Bennet urged, “Come now, you have us all on tenterhooks!”
Looking mildly embarrassed by the attention but too polite to refuse, Lady Lucas continued slowly. “Just small things really, though curious. Knockings and scratchings late at night from empty rooms. And oddest of all, the maids swearing they left a fire blazing in the kitchen, only to return and find it cold ash.” She shook her head in bemusement. “Likely just forgetfulness on their part, yet still peculiar.”
“La! What an adventure!” exclaimed Mrs. Bennet, fanning herself in excitement. “A ghost at Netherfield! I daresay it will provide no end of amusement and gossip. We must spread the word at once! Though I do hope it does not disturb Mr. Bingley’s comfort overmuch. Such an agreeable gentleman he is, it would be a shame if a spirit scared him away before he has a chance to know our dear Jane!”
Miss Bingley rolled her eyes discreetly then shared a pointed look with her sister. Elizabeth flushed in embarrassment at her mother’s inappropriate enthusiasm and worry for Mr. Bingley’s comfort over her own family’s reputation.
“Have you had any similar oddities occur at Netherfield?” Charlotte inquired of Mr. Bingley and his sisters. “The rumors about your estate being haunted have been swirling.”
Mr. Bingley shifted awkwardly in his seat. “Er, well, just trifling things I am sure. Likely just the imagination playing tricks.”
Caroline gave a derisive sniff. “I shall not dignify such tales by repeating them. Honestly, we are not children to be frightened by ghosts.” Yet Elizabeth noticed she looked rather pale as she stabbed viciously at her cake with a fork.
Attention turned to Mr. Darcy, who had been silently observing the speculation swirling around him. Meeting Elizabeth’s eye, he responded calmly, “I cannot speak to any supernatural causes. However, I will allow that certain…irregularities have transpired that leave me puzzled.”
Elizabeth’s eyebrows rose in surprise. She had not expected the pragmatic gentleman to give any credence to the ghost stories. “How intriguing,” she mused. “And have you settled upon any rational explanations for these irregularities?”
Something that might have been a smile ghosted briefly across his lips at her careful choice of words. “I have considered the matter thoroughly, yet remain uncertain as to the true cause,” he admitted. Turning the conversation, he redirected, “And have you had any unexplained occurrences, Miss Elizabeth?”
Elizabeth hesitated, debating how much to reveal in present company. But his attentive gaze coaxed her to confess, “We did have a strange incident of a painting falling abruptly. And…” She faltered, then continued more quietly, “I myself had a peculiar fright while out walking the other morning.” She left the details vague.
Mr. Darcy looked at her solemnly. “I am sorry to hear that,” he said formally. “I hope the matter was not too distressing.” He paused, as if considering whether to say more. Finally he added, “I trust you were not harmed in any way. It would be most regrettable if your walking should be curtailed due to unease.”
“Unsettling indeed,” she conceded, “yet I remain skeptical of supernatural interference being the culprit.”
He nodded solemnly in agreement. They lapsed into a not uncomfortable silence, Elizabeth feeling she had glimpsed a more thoughtful side to the stoic gentleman than she had previously perceived.
As the evening progressed, Elizabeth was pleased to observe Mr. Darcy making more of an effort at conversing than he had at the public assembly. Though still reserved, he seemed willing to engage in discussion when prompted and did not convey the same arrogant disdain as before. She found herself reevaluating her initial harsh judgments of his character.
In the brief lull of the conversation’s waves, Mr. Darcy’s gaze strayed and anchored itself upon Elizabeth Bennet. She moved among the clusters of gentry with ease, her energy palpable, setting the air itself abuzz. A cluster of ladies tittered at something she said, while a neighboring gentleman nodded thoughtfully, caught in the gravity of her words.
Mr. Darcy leaned back, inconspicuous, as he observed Elizabeth speak: her hands shaped the air, her eyes bright with purpose as she addressed the support for soldiers’ families. Her voice rose and fell with conviction, picking up strands of agreement, knitting them into a tapestry of shared concern and resolution. The nods and hums of assent from her listeners danced in the air, a silent chorus to her symphony of debate.
As if under a spell, her animated hands painted vivid pictures, and her furrowed brow smoothed as her companions conceded points, their countenances reflecting the shift from casual conversation to genuine interest. The laughter that sprang from her lips wasn’t mere decoration but a clarion call of camaraderie, and the group leaned in, captivated.
Mr. Darcy’s own contemplative frown deepened. Here was a wit he acknowledged, a cleverness he respected, but now laid bare was a caring that reached beyond the bounds of polite society.
His reverie shattered as Caroline Bingley approached, her fan a fluttering herald of her imminent interruption. With a fluid motion, he inclined towards her, a polite mask sliding into place. Yet, as Miss Bingley’s words floated to him, his eyes betrayed him, returning to Elizabeth, if only for a second, unwitting witnesses to his dawning esteem.
When the time came to depart, good cheer abounded and all agreed the intimate gathering had been a great success. Linking arms once more, Elizabeth and Charlotte lingered in the drive to exchange final impressions on the way home.
“So, has your opinion of our new neighbors changed at all upon closer acquaintance?” Charlotte inquired with a sly smile.
Elizabeth considered. “I will grant they are not quite as insufferable as I first presumed,” she admitted. “Miss Bingley remains tiresomely haughty. Yet Mr. Bingley’s amiability is as genuine as ever, and even Mr. Darcy was not so disagreeable this evening.”
“High praise indeed!” Charlotte laughed. “I knew first impressions could not be trusted. It seems the infamous Mr. Darcy is not such an ogre after all.”
Elizabeth returned her friend’s smile. “He may yet prove me wrong. I suppose only time will tell, but I am willing to keep an open mind.”
The two friends parted in good spirits, with Elizabeth feeling cautiously optimistic about her developing perceptions. The ride back to Longbourn was filled with animated discussion dissecting every detail of the evening.

When the Netherfield party arrives to take up residence in the long-empty Netherfield Hall, rumors swirl that the estate is haunted. Skeptical Elizabeth Bennet laughs off the ghost stories, until a series of eerie events forces her and the aloof Mr. Darcy to confront the possibility of restless spirits stalking the halls.
As bizarre occurrences plague the old house, Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy are drawn together in the search for answers. Battling fears and prejudices, they forge an unlikely alliance that blossoms into mutual understanding and possibly something more. But not everyone is happy to welcome this connection.
Can Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy overcome the mysterious workings of Netherfield before their hopes for happiness are extinguished? Set during the Christmas season, Halloween JAFF puts a spooky twist on Austen’s beloved Pride and Prejudice characters in this suspenseful tale of ghostly happenings, romance, and the power of courage and love conquering all.
Pride and Prejudice and Phantasms is a slow burn romance between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet that is over 65,000 words and features hijinks, lighthearted spookiness, a flustered Caroline Bingley and happily ever after for ODC.
Chapter 1 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation
#chapter 1It was a truth universally acknowledged that Netherfield Park was haunted. Or so the rumors in Meryton insisted. Ever since the estate had sat vacant these last five years, tales of ghostly happenings and strange noises in the night had spread through the village like wildfire. Now, with the arrival of Mr. Bingley and his party to take up residence, the speculation only increased.On their first morning in the grand house, talk turned to
Chapter 2 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation
#Chapter 2The next day, the day of the Meryton assembly arrived, and the Bennet household was abuzz with anticipation. Mrs. Bennet fluttered about ensuring every detail of her daughters’ dresses and hair was just so, determined that they should make a favorable impression on the Netherfield party. “You must mind your manners and dance with whoever asks,” she lectured as their carriage rattled towards town. “And smile! We must convince these gentlemen you are the
Chapter 3 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation
#chapter 3The carriages rolled up the drive to Netherfield Park well past midnight, the riders inside weary from the evening’s merriment. Under the glow of the full moon, the great house cast ominous shadows as the party alighted and made their way silently indoors. They gathered in the parlor to discuss the evening’s events over glasses of port and sherry.“Well Bingley, I take it you enjoyed yourself?” remarked Mr. Hurst, stifling a yawn as he
Chapter 4 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation
#chapter 4The Bennet ladies were startled from their morning reading in the parlor by an eager knock. Moments later, their servants ushered in Mrs. Lucas and Charlotte, both bearing delighted smiles.“Jane, Lizzy! How good it is to see you again so soon,” exclaimed Charlotte, embracing her friends.Mrs. Lucas nodded graciously to Mrs. Bennet. “Thank you for receiving us, I hope we are not intruding.”“Not at all! Do make yourselves comfortable.” Mrs. Bennet gestured hospitably to
Chapter 5 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation
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Chapter 6 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation
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