Site icon Bella Breen

Pardon for the significant delay in continuing the Mr. Darcy’s Sheep story but…

So, I had planned on finishing the story by June 15th and publish it by the end of the month. However, my body had other plans.

Short story: I had a root canal May 26th, and ended up in the ER on the 30th and was diagnosed with heart failure. I was in the hospital for 4 days. I’ve been in the ER again since then.

Long story: I had covid in March 2020 which left me exhausted, intermittent shortness of breath and 13,000 PVCs (premature ventricular contractions) a day. My new cardiologist says tests show I had heart failure at least a year ago, but my old cardiologist said everything was fine. It was not fine. The right side of my heart is enlarged and I have intermittent chest pressure though it does not seem to be related to my heart. My gallbladder might have decided to kick the bucket too. Tests are getting run to figure that out.

So, I’m learning to live with heart failure. It’s the uncommon kind, diastolic heart failure. It means my heart is stiff but not weak.

I’m just starting to work on my manuscripts again.

Send good vibes, healing energy and prayers that my heart shrinks to normal, that I have lots of energy and get all my stories currently in my head and in progress published.

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