It seems like I’ve been working on this book forever! I got the idea last year when the UFOs were seen over Canada and Montana. A link for those that think I’ve had too much laudanum: https://www.npr.org/2023/02/13…
I had so much fun writing this. Imagine Pride and Prejudice interrupted with a bang by an unusual silver object that crashes outside of Meryton during an assembly.

Mrs. Bennet and the other marriage-minded mamas have their sights on snagging the perfect match for their daughters. But their schemes are soon upstaged as strange happenings and close encounters throw Meryton into a tizzy.
Strange lights, thunder in cloudless skies, cattle mutilations and more… when bizarre silver objects appear in the sky, rumors swirl about a secret French invasion. When Mr. Darcy takes charge, Elizabeth isn’t sure he can be trusted to safeguard the community. But even the militia are following his lead.
Will this unearthly crisis bring Lizzy and Darcy closer or will misconceptions, pride, and prejudice push them apart forever? Grab your copy today and prepare to laugh out loud at this delightfully quirky P&P variation with an out-of-this-world twist!
This over 75,000 word JAFF novel features a Mr. Collins determined to marry a cousin, a matchmaking Mrs. Bennet, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley putting their Cambridge knowledge to use, the militia protecting the town, strange happenings and a possible invasion by the French with advanced engineering.
Chapter 1
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However, in the small town of Meryton, the arrival of wealthy bachelors was soon overshadowed by a far more peculiar and alarming event – the appearance of strange, unearthly creatures that defied all explanation.
It was a warm summer afternoon at Longbourn. The Bennet family lingered at the dining table, savoring the last sips of tea and final bites of biscuits after their midday meal. Mr. Bennet sat at the head of the table, observing his wife and five daughters over the top of the latest newspaper. He cleared his throat. “It seems Netherfield Park has been let at last,” he announced nonchalantly before returning his gaze to the paper.
Mrs. Bennet’s head jerked up. “Netherfield Park? To whom, my dear?”
“A Mr. Bingley, apparently,” replied Mr. Bennet, eyes still scanning the newsprint. “A wealthy gentleman from the north. He arrived in the neighborhood just yesterday.”
Mrs. Bennet clasped her hands in delight. “Bless me! A wealthy gentleman, you say? Oh, how wonderful!” She turned eagerly to her eldest daughter. “Jane, did you hear? Netherfield has been taken by a wealthy young bachelor! Why, he may be just the match for you!”
Jane, the eldest Bennet daughter, blushed at her mother’s enthusiasm. “Mamma, please. We know nothing of this gentleman.”
“But we soon shall!” trilled Mrs. Bennet. “Your father must visit Mr. Bingley immediately so we may meet him! I dare say he will be at the next assembly where you can dance with him! With your beauty, he is sure to fall desperately in love!”
Jane demurred, uncomfortable with her mother’s matchmaking speculations.
Mary, the middle Bennet daughter, glanced up smugly from her book. “Beauty is fleeting, Mamma, and does not always equate to a successful match. One would do better to focus on cultivating virtue and wisdom.”
Mrs. Bennet waved a hand impatiently. “Posh! Your virtuous wisdom cannot save us from the hedgerows when your father dies. No, it is only wealthy gentlemen like this Mr. Bingley who can rescue your futures.”
Mr. Bennet rustled his paper. “My dear, must you discuss my impending doom before tea has fully settled?” he asked wryly.
“Oh, do not tease me so, Mr. Bennet,” his wife huffed. “You know very well the desperation of our situation. If you die before the girls are wed, we shall be turned out destitute!”
“Then I shall have to endeavor to cling tenaciously to life,” Mr. Bennet replied, eyes twinkling with humor over the top of the newspaper. “Although I may need added fortification to maintain such a hold. Lizzy, dear, would you be so kind as to pass your old father another biscuit?”
Elizabeth suppressed a smile as she handed her father the platter.
Mrs. Bennet was not amused by her husband’s jest. “This is no laughing matter!” she scolded. Turning back to Jane, she continued eagerly, “We must have your father call on this Mr. Bingley at once! Oh, how I long to make his acquaintance! He must be eager to choose a bride!”
Mr. Bennet folded his newspaper and set it aside, eyeing his still-agitated wife with a glint of amusement.
“Now, now, my dear,” he said soothingly. “There is no need for such fervor. We know nothing of this Mr. Bingley beyond the size of his pocketbook. For all we are aware, he may be an elderly gentleman or a devoted bachelor with no intentions of taking a wife.”
Mrs. Bennet flushed. “Mr. Bennet! How can you say such things? Why must you always vex me so? Of course, Mr. Bingley is looking for a bride! What else would bring a wealthy young man to settle in the countryside if not to find a wife?”
“Perhaps he simply desires a change of scenery,” Mr. Bennet suggested mildly. “I have heard the mills of the North can be rather dreary and polluted. Our verdant countryside may be just the thing to soothe his smoke-wearied lungs.”
“You take far too much pleasure in provoking me!” Mrs. Bennet huffed, rising from her chair in agitation. “Must you always make sport of such important matters? Our very future rests upon making a good match for one of the girls!”
Mr. Bennet regarded his wife with an amused glint in his eyes. “Then let us hope Mr. Bingley is not a devoted bachelor as I suggested,” he said lightly. “For as you say, your future felicity rests upon his marital ambitions.”
“Insufferable man! I vow you shall be the death of my poor nerves.” Mrs. Bennet huffed in annoyance while her daughters giggled at their father’s sarcasm.
“Nevertheless,” continued Mr. Bennet after finishing his biscuit, “I shall pay a call and discover the truth soon enough.” He folded his newspaper decisively. “We must give the poor gentleman fair warning that he and his fortune are doomed to fall prey to the eager matchmaking mothers of Meryton the moment he sets foot in the neighborhood.”
Mrs. Bennet smiled triumphantly. “Oh, thank you, Mr. Bennet! I knew you would call on him! And you must take Jane so Mr. Bingley can see what a beautiful girl she is. Then, he will surely fall desperately in love, propose marriage, and our futures shall all be secured!”
Jane blushed deeper as her sisters smothered laughter.
“Have care, my dear,” said Mr. Bennet, rising from his chair. “Too much-unbridled enthusiasm may doom poor Jane before she even meets the unfortunate gentleman. We must at least allow him to enjoy one assembly before descending upon him en masse to claim his fortune.” Chuckling to himself, he quit the room, leaving his wife and daughters to speculate wildly about the mysterious newcomer to their community.
After the last peals of laughter subsided and the conversation began to dwindle, the Bennet daughters, one by one, started to excuse themselves from the table. Elizabeth, sensing the momentary lull as an opportune time, joined her sisters in their departure.
As Elizabeth climbed the stairs, she heard hushed voices. Pausing, she recognized the tones of Mrs. Hill, their housekeeper, along with Mr. Roberts, the stable master. Curious as to what could be causing such furtive discussion out of doors, Elizabeth quietly moved closer to an open window where she could overhear without being observed.
“…never seen anything like it before last night,” Mr. Roberts said in a lowered voice.
“Well, it fair gave me a fright when I caught sight of it!” Mrs. Hill replied. “Thought perhaps I was seeing things at first. But then it kept happening – those bright lights streaking through the sky, almost like…well, I know it sounds foolish, but shooting stars in reverse!”
Elizabeth’s eyes widened in surprise. She peered out the window but could only see the empty stableyard below.
Mr. Roberts grunted in agreement. “Aye, and that peculiar glow that would flare up afterward. Brighter than any full moon I ever saw. Unnatural, I tell you.”
“Do you suppose it could be some sort of sign or omen?” Mrs. Hill asked anxiously.
“I cannot claim to know, but I have lived my whole life in Hertfordshire and never witnessed the like.” Mr. Roberts sounded unnerved. “Let us hope we do not see those strange lights again tonight.”
Elizabeth drew back from the window, her thoughts swirling. Bright lights and glows in the night sky? She had not observed any unusual sights last night herself. But now her curiosity was piqued. What could their servants have witnessed that was so beyond their experience or understanding?
With quickened steps, she continued on to her bedchamber, her original intention of fetching a book quite forgotten in light of this mystery.
* * *
The Bennets walked next door to Lucas Lodge as the evening shadows lengthened across the grounds. Elizabeth adjusted her bonnet, smoothing the ribbons absently as they approached the warm glow of candlelight spilling from the windows.
Lydia practically skipped ahead, her eyes alight with anticipation. “Oh, I cannot wait to see the officers!” she exclaimed, drawing a reproachful look from their mother.
“Mind your manners, Lydia,” Mrs. Bennet chided, though her own excitement was evident at the prospect of mingling with potential future son-in-laws.
Elizabeth exchanged an amused glance with Jane. While their younger sisters tittered about potential dances and flirtations, Elizabeth found her thoughts drifting, as they so often did, to the strange celestial lights lately spotted over Hertfordshire. A thrill of curiosity rippled through her as she wondered if the topic might arise over dinner.
The Bennets were warmly welcomed into the Lucas home, the entryway alive with the sounds of lively conversation and laughter. Elizabeth looked over the gathering with keen interest, her gaze briefly catching the flashes of red military coats amidst the crowd.
“Ah, here are the celebrated Bennet beauties!” Sir William Lucas boomed jovially, ushering them further inside. “May I introduce to you a new addition to the Meryton militia – Mr. George Wickham.”
“How delighted we are to make your acquaintance, Mr. Wickham,” Mrs. Bennet trilled, stepping forward to offer her hand. “We have the highest regard for his majesty’s officers in our humble village.”
Elizabeth suppressed an eye roll at her mother’s effusive simper. Mr. Bennet merely raised an eyebrow before murmuring, “I shall see about a glass of port,” and slipping away.
The tall, handsome officer stepped forward with an easy smile and a courteous bow. His fine features and impeccable bearing commanded attention, and she found herself momentarily captivated by his dark eyes that seemed to sparkle with good humor.
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Elizabeth,” Mr. Wickham said smoothly, taking Elizabeth’s hand and brushing his lips ever so lightly against her knuckles. A delicious shiver ran through her at his touch, and she felt heat rising to her cheeks.
Kitty and Lydia tittered excitedly beside her, their eyes wide with admiration for the charming soldier. Even prim Mary seemed to stand up a little straighter under Mr. Wickham’s appreciative gaze as he greeted each of the Bennet sisters in turn.
His gaze held Elizabeth’s for a beat longer than propriety allowed before he turned to Mrs. Bennet with an ingratiating smile. “The honor is all mine, Mrs. Bennet. I look forward to becoming better acquainted with your lovely daughters.”
Elizabeth exhaled slowly, suddenly very aware of the rapid fluttering of her heart. She had always prided herself on being so level-headed – what power did this man possess to so easily ruffle her composure?
Kitty and Lydia’s giggles pulled Elizabeth from her daze. Blinking, she surveyed the crowded room until her eyes landed on her dearest friend Charlotte, standing off to the side.
Excusing herself, Elizabeth made her way through the throng of guests to join Charlotte. Her friend greeted her with a warm smile and a conspiratorial look. “Well, that was certainly a…memorable introduction from our newest militia man.”
Elizabeth felt her cheeks warm but matched her friend’s grin. “Indeed. Though I confess Mr. Wickham’s charms did take me somewhat by surprise.”
“Just so,” Charlotte laughed. Looping her arm through Elizabeth’s, she leaned in conspiratorially. “But enough talk of dashing officers for now. Have you heard about the newcomers leasing Netherfield Park?”
Elizabeth arched an inquisitive brow. “Only that they are exceedingly wealthy and well-connected in Town. Why, is there more to this party than meets the eye?
“So I thought as well,” Charlotte said. “Yet my father informed us he has only just inherited his fortune. Quite mysterious, don’t you think?”
“Recent fortunes do not a mystery make, Charlotte,” Elizabeth laughed.
Her attention was drawn by an outburst of giggles from a group of young ladies clustered near the hearth. In their midst stood Mr. Wickham, regaling them with an animated tale.
“He seems to be making fast friends,” Elizabeth remarked, nodding toward the animated group near the fireplace.
Charlotte followed her gaze. “He has certainly been a welcome addition to our society.” She gave Elizabeth a meaningful look. “Though I must admit, his charm and good looks seem almost too good to be true. One can’t help but wonder about his background and intentions.”
Elizabeth nodded thoughtfully. “Indeed, there is an air of mystery about him that I find both intriguing and unsettling. But let us not jump to conclusions just yet. Time will surely reveal his true character.”
“Quite right,” Charlotte agreed. “And speaking of new acquaintances, have you heard much about the party recently arrived at Netherfield Park? I confess the gossip surrounding our new neighbors does not overly concern me. I am simply pleased at the prospect of fresh society and new acquaintances.”
Elizabeth felt a tremor ripple beneath her feet, the glasses on the nearby table rattling ever so slightly. She glanced around but no one else seemed to have noticed, absorbed in lively chatter and new acquaintances. But Elizabeth was certain she had felt something odd, a faint tremor that caused the glasses to shake.
“Did you feel that?” she murmured to Charlotte, her dark eyes flickering with unease.
Charlotte blinked in surprise, having noticed nothing amidst the gaiety surrounding them. “Feel what?”
“I thought…” Elizabeth trailed off, seeing no signs of disturbance around her. Perhaps it had just been her imagination.
She took a deep breath, determined not to let the strange occurrence from the event at hand. “Come, you simply must tell me more of our new neighbors at Netherfield! I confess I am all anticipation to make their acquaintance.”
Charlotte smiled indulgently at her friend’s lively curiosity but obliged, sharing what details she could glean from the dinner her father hosted earlier that week where the Netherfield party had been present.