Chapters of Mr. Darcy's Sheep

Chapter 3 of Mr. Darcy’s Sheep – JAFF Story

(Unedited version) Cries of alarm caused Mr. Darcy to abruptly turn towards the bank. Except the lower half of his body did not move with him, so strong was the mud’s hold on his boots. Arms waving, he dropped the branch before he fell backwards with a large splash, covering her in muddy lake water. Again.Elizabeth cried out, “Beware the sheep! That was how I ended up in the lake.”Mr. Darcy erupted from the lake…

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Chapters of Mr. Darcy's Sheep

Chapter 2 of Mr. Darcy’s Sheep – JAFF Story

“…and there’s a fine prospect from that window down towards the lake,” said Mrs. Reynolds, the elderly housekeeper who had served the Darcy family for a generation.   Elizabeth Bennet walked to the window gazing out but not seeing, as awe at the grandeur and magnitude of Pemberley humbled her.     “Look at this, my dear,” exclaimed Mrs. Gardiner from across the music room.   Mr. Gardiner responded, “Oh, it’s quite magnificent.”   Her gaze…

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Chapters of Mr. Darcy's Sheep

Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy’s Sheep – JAFF Story

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a sheep farmer in possession of a flock must be in want of a buyer.The sheep, all prodigiously woolly and bleating at a loud volume, were currently running hither and thither across Mr. Darcy’s fields, driveway and onto the grounds of his ancestral home while he watched from the back of his horse.“Hie, ya! Get over here!” Mr. Wentworth, his steward, was waving his hat and helping the…

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