Chapters of Spooks and Suitors

Chapter 4 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation

#chapter 4The Bennet ladies were startled from their morning reading in the parlor by an eager knock. Moments later, their servants ushered in Mrs. Lucas and Charlotte, both bearing delighted smiles.“Jane, Lizzy! How good it is to see you again so soon,” exclaimed Charlotte, embracing her friends.Mrs. Lucas nodded graciously to Mrs. Bennet. “Thank you for receiving us, I hope we are not intruding.”“Not at all! Do make yourselves comfortable.” Mrs. Bennet gestured hospitably to…

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Chapters of Spooks and Suitors

Chapter 3 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation

#chapter 3The carriages rolled up the drive to Netherfield Park well past midnight, the riders inside weary from the evening’s merriment. Under the glow of the full moon, the great house cast ominous shadows as the party alighted and made their way silently indoors. They gathered in the parlor to discuss the evening’s events over glasses of port and sherry.“Well Bingley, I take it you enjoyed yourself?” remarked Mr. Hurst, stifling a yawn as he…

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Chapters of Spooks and Suitors

Chapter 2 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation

#Chapter 2The next day, the day of the Meryton assembly arrived, and the Bennet household was abuzz with anticipation. Mrs. Bennet fluttered about ensuring every detail of her daughters’ dresses and hair was just so, determined that they should make a favorable impression on the Netherfield party. “You must mind your manners and dance with whoever asks,” she lectured as their carriage rattled towards town. “And smile! We must convince these gentlemen you are the…

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Chapters of Spooks and Suitors

Chapter 1 – Spooks and Suitors – Lighthearted Halloween Pride and Prejudice Variation

#chapter 1It was a truth universally acknowledged that Netherfield Park was haunted. Or so the rumors in Meryton insisted. Ever since the estate had sat vacant these last five years, tales of ghostly happenings and strange noises in the night had spread through the village like wildfire. Now, with the arrival of Mr. Bingley and his party to take up residence, the speculation only increased.On their first morning in the grand house, talk turned to…

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Chapters of Rush to the Altar

Chapter 3 – Rush to the Altar – Funny Pride and Prejudice Variation

Unedited, beta version. The dawn arrived, washing away the embers of the mortifying previous night with its fresh brightness. Elizabeth was enfolded in her favorite armchair, in the drawing room, engrossed in the world described by the volume in her hand while her sisters engaged in various pursuits. Yet the awkward memories from the night before still stung. At random moments when she spotted her mother, her cheeks would flush unbearably with embarrassment. She tried…

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Chapters of Rush to the Altar

Chapter 2 – Rush to the Altar – Funny Pride and Prejudice Variation

Unedited, beta version. The next evening, as the Bennet family walked to the front door of Lucas Lodge, preparing to attend the Lucas’ dinner party, Mrs. Bennet spoke up, “Now remember, my dears,” she began, “it is vital that you make an excellent impression on … those men we discussed earlier. They must see you as charming and accomplished young ladies.”The sisters exchanged wary glances. “Keep your voice down, Mama,” Elizabeth pleaded in embarrassment as…

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Chapters of Rush to the Altar

Chapter 1 – Rush to the Altar – Funny Pride and Prejudice Variation

Unedited, beta version. Elizabeth Bennet lifted her eyes from the pages of a heavy, leather-bound volume on British history and looked curiously at the dramatic entrance of her mother whose extravagant rustle of skirts announced her arrival in Longbourn’s drawing-room. “Look, Mr. Bennet, look!” Mrs. Bennet cried with breathlessness bordering on hysteria, her voice shrill enough to make the porcelain teacups rattle on the polished wooden side table. She waved a piece of paper in…

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