Chapters of Rescued By Mr. Darcy Or Was She?

Part 4 Chapter 3 of Mr. Darcy’s Pursuit of Elizabeth Bennet

Mr. Darcy paced in the game room. It was the only room in which he could be sure that the Bennet family would not visit. Elizabeth’s family and aunt Mrs. Phillips had arrived to pay a call upon Lady Catherine for which he had to be present to provide the introductions. He felt regret at leaving Elizabeth when it was his idea to invite her mother, but he did not have the patience of a…

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Chapters of Rescued By Mr. Darcy Or Was She?

Part 4 Chapter 2 of Mr. Darcy’s Pursuit of Elizabeth Bennet

Elizabeth laughed with her sister Jane as they walked down the driveway towards the house. “You have to admit Lizzy, that it is not difficult having Lady Catherine recover here. She stays in her room and we do not have to see her but once a day when we call upon her.” Elizabeth’s lips turned down. “Poor Fitzwilliam though is called to attend her several times a day. He is out of sorts and his…

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Chapters of Rescued By Mr. Darcy Or Was She?

Part 4 Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy’s Pursuit of Elizabeth Bennet

Mr. Darcy clenched his jaw and stood upright, the pool cue still in his hands. He looked aside to the servant. “And what did she say when she called for me?” The servant stammered. “Nothing, sir. She requested that I bring you to her.” “How did she refer to me?” Mr. Darcy turned to the servant. “She said her nephew, Sir.” Mr. Darcy frowned. That meant his aunt would not be in a good mood…

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Chapters of Rescued By Mr. Darcy Or Was She?

Part 2 Chapter 1 of Rescued by Mr. Darcy or Was She?

Elizabeth leaned into the window of the hired coach. Her cheeks hurt from smiling nearly the entire several days travel to London and this entire trip to the Gardiners house. Finally, she would be safe and back with relatives, especially Jane. How much she would have to tell her. She bit her lip as the horse led the turn onto Gracechurch Street. How much should she tell Jane of her time apart? Make up a…

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Mr. Darcy's Winter Auction

Chapter 2 of Mr. Darcy’s Winter Auction

Mr. Darcy followed his friend into the church which was crowded with people. All the pews were full and people were standing at the sides of the church and in the back. There were probably more people in church now than there ever were on a Sunday. “Well,” said Mr. Bingley “I did not know it would be this popular.” Mr. Darcy was not surprised as in the winter in the country there is not…

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Mr. Darcy's Winter Auction

Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy’s Winter Auction

Elizabeth placed her candle in the window of the sitting room. She loved that in the Christmas season her family placed candles in all the windows of the house as it looked quite cheery. After putting on her coat and hat, she walked out the front door to join the rest of the family in looking back at their home. She wrapped her arm around Jane’s and gazed at Longbourn. “It is such a beautiful…

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Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Chapter 2 of Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Elizabeth studied Mr. Darcy’s head and body. There were no signs of any new blood and he did not look pale as if someone had died. “They were all fine, then? I heard the horses scream.” Mr. Darcy kicked the snow off his boots on the top step before he stepped into the carriage and closed the door. “The men are fine. The younger horse screamed as he is still new to the harness and…

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Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy Rings My Bell

Mr. Darcy helped his wife, Elizabeth Darcy into their well-appointed carriage. She settled down on the bench with her boots on the heated brick and pulled the heavy wool blanket over her lap. Mr. Darcy sat next to her as a servant closed the door and yelled at the driver. The carriage lurched forward pushing Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy back against the wall of the carriage. Elizabeth was not cold yet, they had just come…

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4 Months to Wed

Chapter 3 of 4 Months to Wed

“Fitzwilliam, I am glad you are here.” The normally effusive and cheerful Mr. Bingley was subdued. Mr. Darcy studied his friend for signs of recent illness but only saw tiredness, the kind that comes from unending bad news. “I am sorry for not coming sooner. I had to go to London to retrieve the post for Pemberley and only just read your letters.” He turned his head to view Miss Bingley approaching. He flattened his…

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4 Months to Wed

Chapter 2 of 4 Months to Wed

After a couple of days the post was no longer included with his basket of meals. Then there was no note from Georgiana. The next basket had a hurriedly penned note, the ink splotches were unlike Mrs. Reynolds, that his sister had fallen ill. He was sure that he did not even need to stay away anymore as he had not fallen ill, Mr. Darcy walked back to Pemberley finding the stable yard nearly deserted.…

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4 Months to Wed

Chapter 1 of 4 Months to Wed

When the first person fell to the ground, Mr. Darcy had just finished a solitary ride across the countryside that ended in Lambton. He had planned to stop at the pub and have a drink, one of his ways of knowing what was going on in his county. But when the second person sank, he turned his steed around and kicked him into a gallop towards Pemberley. He thought hard on the ride back to…

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Mr. Darcy Goes to Brighton

Chapter 3 of Mr. Darcy Goes to Brighton

“I am quite impressed with the camp, Richard. It is much more orderly than I expected.” Mr. Darcy eyed the soldiers practicing reloading their Baker rifles as they walked past. The camp was loud with noise coming from every direction. How could anyone think with that continued noise? Col. Fitzwilliam gave him a sardonic look. “You expected it to be dirty and messy did you not?” Mr. Darcy glanced his cousin with a raised eyebrow.…

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Mr. Darcy Goes to Brighton

Chapter 2 of Mr. Darcy Goes to Brighton

Mr. Darcy took a drink of his hot coffee but paused in the act of setting the cup back down on the table due to the knock at the door.  His valet, Mr. Bannerman answered it. “Hello Mr. Bannerman, have you thrown my cousin out of bed yet?” His valet turned down his lips and looked at Mr. Darcy who nodded his head.  Mr. Bannerman opened the door and stepped aside, letting Col. Fitzwilliam, who…

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Mr. Darcy Goes to Brighton

Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy Goes to Brighton

Welcome to my latest story. This is a novella and part of the Brighton Challenge that a few of us JAFF authors put together. We’re all writing JAFF novellas with Brighton as the setting. It has been fun to hear of all the different ideas we’ve all come up with!  I plan to publish this in mid or late June. Mr. Darcy breathed in the salty, fresh air and sighed. He relaxed against the carriage…

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Chapters of Mr. Darcy is Diverted

Chapter 1 of Mr. Darcy is Diverted by Demi Monde

This is new story but it is different from my previous books as it is a short and steamy Pride and Prejudice variation. I’ll also be using a different pen name for it – Demi Monde. A little play on words! I’m such a dork. Mr. Darcy walked on the wooden floor of the Meryton assembly room, his heels making a rhythmic clack-tap as he paced around the perimeter. No one could hear him though…

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Chapters of Love Unmasked

Chapter 3 of Love Unmasked

Mr. Bingley sat in the plush leather wing chair in front of a large figured mahogany partner’s desk in Mr. Darcy’s study.  He had nearly dropped his glass of Madeira when Mr. Darcy confessed his part in keeping Mr. Bingley apart from his beloved Jane. Mr. Bingley stood. “You mean to tell me that Jane was in town for months and you hid it from me?” Mr. Darcy stood as well but the floor lamp…

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Chapters of Love Unmasked

Chapter 2 of Love Unmasked

The trip to town did not seem to take much time at all as Jane and Elizabeth conversed along the way. They were able to hear each other since they sat close on the same bench.  Otherwise the noise of the horse’s hooves and rattling of carriage wheels would have prevented any conversation. As the carriage moved farther away from Longbourn, Elizabeth noticed that Jane looked forlornly out the window more than she spoke.  “Jane,…

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Chapters of Love Unmasked

Chapter 1 of Love Unmasked

This is my latest story! I hope you enjoy it. I’m calling it the Cinderella story. Elizabeth walked to the dresser she and Jane shared. She heard the familiar creaking of the floorboard in the room’s middle as she stepped on it. Jane had the top two drawers and Elizabeth the bottom two. The drawer closest to the floor never slid out smoothly but would catch on the left side. Elizabeth jerked it for the…

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Chapters of The Rescue of Elizabeth Bennet

Chapter 1 of The Rescue of Elizabeth Bennet

Elizabeth Bennet stood in front of Netherfield Park and waited for the Bennets’ carriage to pull around. She was quite sure that Mrs. Bennet had arranged for their carriage to come last, which did not make the Bingleys any fonder of the Bennets. Elizabeth had a first-hand view of how much some Bingleys wanted them to leave. Mr. Bingley was still talking to Jane, completely oblivious to Caroline Bingley, Mrs. Louisa Hurst, and Mr. Hurst…

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