Chapter 15 of Elizabeth is Missing – JAFF Abduction Story
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Elizabeth pounded on the carriage walls and yelled. The driver did not stop. She dared not open the door and jump out as they were moving at a high rate of speed. And she knew not where she was, but that it was the opposite direction of Longbourn.She did not know why they had kidnapped her. Or by whom. It had pulled up next to her in Meryton and a servant jumped out and told…
Hello again, everyone! It’s been quite some time since I’ve posted. This year, has been worse and better than last year. Worse is that my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and died 8 days later. His funeral was October 1st, so I’m still grieving. I hope you and you friends and relatives you like are all healthy and happy. ——————————- Mr. Darcy pulled the reins, bringing his horse to a standstill from cantering, and…
New Release! It’s up to Mr. Darcy to teach Elizabeth the language of love… Miss Elizabeth Bennet knows many things. The secrets of the marriage bed are not among them. When her mother fails to be of any use, she has no idea what to expect—or if her betrothed’s behavior has already crossed the line. Fitzwilliam Darcy’s future bride is a temptation like no other. Unfortunately, she is as innocent as she is responsive to…
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Elizabeth stood in Pemberley’s art room, in front of a canvas on an easel. She was painting what she thought the garden would look like in the Spring. Beautiful flowers displayed in an aesthetically pleasing layout was what she had envisioned. Nothing but the best for Pemberley. She smiled as she thought back to her first meeting of Mr. Darcy at the assembly in Meryton. He had been so arrogant and brooding. At that time,…
Mr. Darcy slowed his horse to a trot as he approached Pemberley’s stable yard. He quickly dismounted and threw the reins to the nearest stable hand. “Give him a good rubdown and cooling out.” Mr. Darcy walked briskly, almost breaking into a run, but contained himself as it would not do for the master of Pemberley to be seen running to his wife’s bedchamber. He was sure there was enough gossip downstairs among the servants…
The tapping at her room’s door had Elizabeth frowning. This was not the usual time for the inn’s maid. She called out for them to enter. “Pardon me Miss Bennet, but there is a gentleman and Mr. Darcy down in the sitting room here to call upon you.” The maid curtsied and closed the door. Elizabeth sat with mouth agape staring at the closed door. Mr. Darcy? Here at Lambton Inn? To call upon her?…
Elizabeth stayed standing in front of the painting while her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, followed the housekeeper to another room. With her head tilted up, she studied the painting of Mr. Darcy and it was a good likeness of the man himself as she had informed the housekeeper. Again she was thankful that they had arrived the day they had, for the housekeeper expected Mr. Darcy with a large party form London. …
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This will be a short steamy one! Elizabeth squeezed Mr. Darcy’s hand as they rounded the corner of the long drive and Pemberley finally came into view. She inhaled and squeezed his hand so hard that it must have hurt. The building, the estate was still stunning. Just as magnificent as the first time she had seen it with her aunt and uncle that fateful day. “Do you still approve?” She heard a note of…
The work in progress is called St. Valentine’s Day but I can’t use that for the published title as the balls don’t take place near Valentine’s Day, and the Regency era did not celebrate St. Valentine’s Day very much. So…come take a poll here and help me out!
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Mr. Bingley sat in the plush leather wing chair in front of a large figured mahogany partner’s desk in Mr. Darcy’s study. He had nearly dropped his glass of Madeira when Mr. Darcy confessed his part in keeping Mr. Bingley apart from his beloved Jane. Mr. Bingley stood. “You mean to tell me that Jane was in town for months and you hid it from me?” Mr. Darcy stood as well but the floor lamp…
The trip to town did not seem to take much time at all as Jane and Elizabeth conversed along the way. They were able to hear each other since they sat close on the same bench. Otherwise the noise of the horse’s hooves and rattling of carriage wheels would have prevented any conversation. As the carriage moved farther away from Longbourn, Elizabeth noticed that Jane looked forlornly out the window more than she spoke. “Jane,…
This is my latest story! I hope you enjoy it. I’m calling it the Cinderella story. Elizabeth walked to the dresser she and Jane shared. She heard the familiar creaking of the floorboard in the room’s middle as she stepped on it. Jane had the top two drawers and Elizabeth the bottom two. The drawer closest to the floor never slid out smoothly but would catch on the left side. Elizabeth jerked it for the…
The book is getting proofread right now. I am hoping it will be published by the end of this week.