Chapters of Love Unmasked

Chapter 2 of Love Unmasked

The trip to town did not seem to take much time at all as Jane and Elizabeth conversed along the way. They were able to hear each other since they sat close on the same bench.  Otherwise the noise of the horse’s hooves and rattling of carriage wheels would have prevented any conversation. As the carriage moved farther away from Longbourn, Elizabeth noticed that Jane looked forlornly out the window more than she spoke.  “Jane,…

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Chapters of Love Unmasked

Chapter 1 of Love Unmasked

This is my latest story! I hope you enjoy it. I’m calling it the Cinderella story. Elizabeth walked to the dresser she and Jane shared. She heard the familiar creaking of the floorboard in the room’s middle as she stepped on it. Jane had the top two drawers and Elizabeth the bottom two. The drawer closest to the floor never slid out smoothly but would catch on the left side. Elizabeth jerked it for the…

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Regency Reference

Contractions used in the Regency Era

Show of hands – how many of you knew contractions were used in Regency times?  List is from here but I only kept the ones used by 1810. Jane Austen used ain’t, can’t, don’t, I’ll, I’m, I’ve, ma’am, o’clock, shan’t, ’tis, won’t and you’ll. ain’t – in use by 1780 ‘cause (because) in use by 1450 can’t – by 1655 couldn’t – by 1650 don’t – c. 1640 e’en (even) – c. 1300 e’er (ever) – c. 1300…

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Regency Reference

Regency Expressions By Jove!

I needed to find some Regency expressions used when surprised or horrified. I found some and am saving the list here so I, and others, can find it easily. I only kept the Regency ones from this list ahem – c. 1765 bah –c. 1600 balderdash – c.1675 barmy — c. 1600 beastly – c. 1200 begad – c. 1600 blast and bugger your eyes — c. 1793 blasted – (damned) c. 1600 bloody (very)…

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Acne in the Regency Era?

So I’ve been battling awful acne for awhile. It turns out that I was doing the worst thing imaginable for my dry skin, using an astringent on it. UGH. Don’t you wish they taught you this stuff in high school or college? Anyway, I got to thinking about those poor girls in the Regency era in England. You know some had clear skin, some had pimples and some had acne so bad they wanted to…

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Chapters of The Rescue of Elizabeth Bennet

Chapter 2 of The Rescue of Elizabeth Bennet

Elizabeth woke, not as was her custom, by the light of the sun, but by a scream. She looked into the darkness. What had she heard? Was that in a dream of hers? Then, she heard the scream again, a long-drawn-out keening. She sat upright. That was no dream. What was wrong? Jane, who shared her bed, also sat straight up. “What was that?” Elizabeth pulled off the covers and jumped out of bed onto…

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